Monday, August 8


MS has been gone for too long, and to be honest, I am ashamed to have let the blog down during such an important period of the year. Summer time, overdose of candy juice, traveling, many excuses… But I will make up for my absence and spray the shit load of heavy sound I have collected over the past few weeks on you guys. As always prepare for the best in every possible category, only PHAT sounds… and I WILL deliver regularly from now on. 

As 50 Cent once said «when it rains, it pours» so let us start with that fresh, chill, summer tune, remix of the famous "Big Jet Plane" which is also the latest addition to my Itunes, while I prepare the Summer post with a recap of all the tunes you must have to finish the estival period of the year with a spiffing head-bounce…

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